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CPA Solution T10 | CAS: 16941-12-1

"Synonym(s)": Chloroplantinic acid, Dihyrogen hexachloro-platinate hexahydrate, Platinic chloride, Speier's catalyst

Internal Heraeus Name: CPA Solution T10 | CAS: 16941-12-1

Product Details

  • ID
  • Color
  • Physical State
  • Molecular weight
    409,81  g/mol
  • Product Type
  • Packaging Type
    10 Liter Can|0.1 Liter Bottle Narrow Neck |1 Liter Bottle Narrow Neck  


Price upon Request

Additional Information


Heraeus Ident-No. 81152823
CAS - Number 16941-12-1


Chemical formula H2PtCl6
Counter Ion Chloride

Precious Metal Content

Platinum 10.00 %

Classification of the Substance or Mixture

Substance or mixture corrosive to metals Category 1
Acute toxicity Category 2
Skin corrosion Category 1
Serious eye damage Category 1
Respitory sensitization Category 1
Skin sensitization Category 1
Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Category 1
Acute aquatic hazard Category 1
Long-term aquatic hazard Category 1
Request product modification

Benefits and Applications

Hexachloroplatinic acid (CPA) is used in the coating of heterogeneous catalysts. Furthermore, hexachloroplatinic acid (CPA) serves as a starting compound for the synthesis of platinum-containing cytostatics, e.g. Cisplatin, oxaliplatin or carboplatin. Another area of ​​application is the production of platinum sponges. Hexachloroplatinic acid (CPA) is also used as a precursor for the production of platinum complex compounds.